Sunday, July 10, 2005

Vienna, still. Posted by Picasa

Ahh. The Opium Hole in Vienna. Posted by Picasa

Yeah! Vienna! Posted by Picasa

Here's Rachel with a small church in Vienna Posted by Picasa

Some church in Vienna Posted by Picasa

In the Vienna train station Posted by Picasa

Jim at our wunderbar mexican dinner in Linz. Posted by Picasa

Nice Mao - near the Lentos Museum of Modern Art Posted by Picasa

That was a steep walk down from the church. Posted by Picasa

Neal with renegade gnome Posted by Picasa

Neal in the labrinth Posted by Picasa

More pictures from Linz and Austria

Neal with a renegade gnome on Poestlingberg.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

The Old Dubliner - discovered!!